
Patience requires... patience

I have always loved winter.  I love to ski, sled, build snowmen.  I drink hot tea and cocoa, along with enjoy snuggling while looking out at the snow.  Not to mention, I feel I look better in turtlenecks and sweaters, I’m just saying... But in Michigan, I do feel that the winters do have a tendency to “overstay their welcome”.  So it’s still cold in March, that is the month that comes in like a Lion and out like a lamb, or however the saying goes.  I can even get over the cloudiness and dreary days as we enter into spring.  “April showers bring May flowers”.  We all know the sayings, but the fact that I keep seeing snow flurries weeks after spring has officially began is a problem.

Just like the waiting for warmer temperatures in Michigan, waiting for that breakthrough can also be trying.  When I speak of “breakthrough” I mean it in a general term.  It can be reference to many things - your finances, your relationship status, family issues, even the movement of God in your life.  Regardless of what you are waiting for, waiting is not always an easy thing to accept.  

Anyone that knows me, knows that I’m not a patient person.  I would rather have something take place now and then be able to work on my plans after that.  I’ve always been that way, but I believe that in this microwave society that we reside in, I’m not alone in this feeling.  We would like for all of our needs and wants to appear right away.  We would like all of our problems to disappear by the time we get up the next day.  “Weeping may endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning” Psalm 30:5. But where does it say that it has to be the very next morning?

I’ve learned, in my 37 years of life, that things don’t always happen right away.  I have come to realize that while the pain I may feel may ease and the discomfort I may have will cease, it takes time.  It wasn’t until I learned this that I was able to look at each day as an individual.  Taking things in stride and learning that it may take some time to accomplish what I would like to happen.  I won’t lie, I still play the lottery every now and again (especially when the jackpot grows to an astronomical number). Hoping for that millions of dollars to come to me so I’d be able to fix my cash flow problems and live a better life.  I also understand that when I don’t win, that I can look at it as a blessing.  There are some people out there that didn’t have a dollar to get a ticket to play, or if they did, it was their very last.  

While I’m still not a patient person, I’m patiently growing to accept the ways of my life.  I have a greater appreciation for what I need to work on.  I know that I cannot get everything I want immediately, and that is a good thing.  Sometimes, something better comes along, sometimes I learn from a missed opportunity.  In either case, I grow, and when that happens I can gladly say that I have developed some more patience.

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