Goldfish Crackers:
I made homemade goldfish crackers and ooohhh they are delicious. For the recipe, go here. I didn't take pictures of the process because I forgot. I was so excited that I was just trying to get to the end. See ...
Did you see? Oooohhh ... yeah. Anyway, I made one batch of these and then made cheese straws because I just couldn't take making those lil fish anymore. See, I don't have a fish cookie cutter so I made one using this method. I was not as careful as I should have been (ie. no gloves, no measuring, no drawing) so mine wasn't perfect and it was still fairly sharp on both sides. I also may have a small scrap from not cutting evenly. Anyway ... you should make these or be around when I do. MMMMMM!! And I will be experimenting with different cheese & flavors because that recipe was amazingly simple. These may show up in the form of trains at a certain lil person's birthday party.
{Just found this: DIY-Cookie-Cutters Instructables .... YYYEEESSS!!! I will be all over this!}
Dinner Entrees:
I LOVE my slow cookers. Yes, there is an s there and I will gladly take more. So I made some barbecue shredded turkey from some leftover turkey (did I tell y'all about me cooking an entire turkey all by myself for the 1st time last week?), some bell peppers, and one of those Kraft Recipe Makers that I got for just $.49 (ha! another coupon-ing plug). It was delicious. Made sandwiches for lunch & then added some rice for dinner. I also browned some chorizo before added it with peppers and some tomato sauce for another meal (will probably add some noodles and corn). And the other meal was a roast with peppers and some balsamic vinegar dressing (will probably put with some greens and potatoes). Today, I'll put those greens in the slow cooker with my turkey leg so they'll be all set for tomorrow. I get excited when I have that may meals planned already.
Sister Friend Evening:
This is pretty well self-explanatory, but yeah had a lil meeting set up with my dear friend to plan her 40th bday party and time flew right on by. We discussed everything under the sun and laughed for hours shutting Panera down for the night. I love that lady cause she is a ball of joy despite everything and I need that in my life something terrible. So here's my plug for her. She's all about the Kidney Foundation so I'll definitely have a post soon about that for her.
Coupon Trip (CVS):

So since I started this coupon-ing thing, I have been non stop wanting to ensure to get everything on sale with a coupon or two. I loosen up from time to time, but I'm enjoying the hunt for great deals and saving money for our family. So here ya go. Here's my brag photo.
I got all of this for $30.33 saving myself about $28 with the fact that CVS had a sale and I had coupons for everything in the picture. I'm sure it could have been better, but hey - ya gotta start somewhere. Oh I did buy some sponges, but they only added like $1 to the total.
Well, that's all I got for this post. See y'all on another great posting day.
{Challenge Update: Slacked last week, but Coach Moore will get me back on schedule - I'm sure.}
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